Gifu Seiki Guidelines for CSR
- We aim to realize sustainable society by contributing for the coexistence with human being, society and environment through our business.
- Gifu Seiki Group contribute for the society through our technical innovation.We define CSR as our policy and cooperate with our stakeholders for this contribution.
- CSR Direction”Increasing our Stakeholders’ Satisfaction”
- ・Based on a customer first policy, we try to innovate our technics, and provide safety and high-quality products/service.
- ・For the employees, we share our “Mutual Trust and Responsibility” policy, and work for improving safety and provide safe work environments.
- ・We make effort for increasing our company value. Also we properly disclose our financial information.
- ・We respect our customers as equal partners and aim to achieve a mutual development relationship.
- ・For growing up with the society, we make efforts to protect the environment and improve safety.
- Supply Chain Guidelines for CSR Action
- Gifu Seiki Group think that it is important to have a common understanding for CSR with our customers and work positively for the whole supply chain.Therefore, we define “Guidelines for CSR action” for request that the customers cooperate with our CSR activity.
- ・We respect our employees’ human rights.
- ・We protect our employees from forced labor, child labor and cheap labor.
- ・For our employees, we provide safe work environments.
- ・We do not discriminate in employment
- ・We comply with international rules and any other relative rules for equal business practices.
- ・We ensure the quality and safety of our products.
- ・We strive to attain a healthy maintenance of the global environment.
- ・We disclose the information which relates to the above contents.
Gifu Seiki Goup Guidelines for Safety
- 【Concept】
- As a member of Toyota Tsusho Group, Gifu Seiki Group work for ensuring safe work environments.
- 【Policy】
- 1.We recognize that it is important to have a good communication for safety and health, therefore we respect to have a conversation between the top and employees.
- 2.We comply with the law for safety and the customers’ guidelines for work. Also we build our standard for safety and level-up of safety management.
- 3.We use safety work management systems to increase our safety standards.
- 4.Gifu Seiki Group attempts to adjust the system and make some responsibilities clear for promotion of the safety environment activities.
- 5.We provide all employees with the education and training for keeping safe work environments.

Gifuseiki Guidelines for the Environment
- 【Guidelines for the Environment】
- Gifuseiki Mold & Enigineering Co., Ltd. Along with the “Toyota Tsusho Group Guidelines for the Environment” take action to make a good environment.
- 1.We make effort for reducing resouces, energy and environmental loading though our mold manufacturing process.
- 2.We protect the environment by using the management system for environment and developing it continuously.
- 3.We comply with the law for the environment.
- 4.We continue our activities for protecting the environment with our relative companies and their supply chain.
- 5.For activities based on this policy to disclose the information to all interested parties, it will build mutual understanding and deepening cooperation relationships.
Guidelines for Quality
- 【Activity for Quality】
- We got ISO9001 in 2006 and we are active to improve our mold quality.
- 【Guidelines for Quality】
- We provide products, which can achieve our customers’ satisfaction, by our high-quality technics and services.
This guidelines for Quality shows our basic attitude for manufacturing molds.